Monday, August 27, 2007

Getting Married

To borrow a phrase from Melanie Hawkes Krieger, "[Getting married] is probably the most harebrained thing I've ever done." The single life - it's not so bad. You just have yourself to take care of. You do what you want. It's less emotional. It's less risky. I think I'm pretty good at being single. I've been single for 28 years. It's what I know. It's what I'm comfortable with. And yet, now I decide to throw caution to the wind and give up the single life with reckless abandon so I can be forever linked to another person. I openly admit that I have no idea what I'm getting myself into. I have no idea what married life will be like and how my life will change. It will probably be turned completely upside down. Am I ready for this? Probably not. But, the good news is that I have someone to do this with me. And he probably doesn't know what he's getting himself into either (or he probably never would've asked). So we can learn together. And we'll be harebrained together. And we'll probably even have fun along the way. And one thing I do know is that we'll be happy. So, although it's a little scary (or a lot scary!), I look forward to this harebrained scheme of marriage! I love you, Jared!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Under Pressure

Well, I've done it. I totally and completely caved. I am now a blogger. Apparently, I can't withstand the pressure. It was that way with Smugmug. It was that way with MySpace. And now it's that way with blogging. Everybody else is doing it and then they tell me I should do it and then I try to resist and then I cave. Welcome to the blogosphere!

I figure a blog is basically an online journal. Gone are the days of writing your thoughts and feelings in a little book with a lock that can easily be picked in two seconds with a wet noodle and trusting that nobody will ever see them without your consent. Now we bare our disgusting insides over the world wide web so that anyone who cares can mock them. Though I open my soul to the world, I'll actually be keeping a journal, so I suppose it's a good thing. We'll see if I'm more successful at keeping it online than in a book. Of course, if I fail, I fail with glory! Onward and upward!

The title of my blog comes from the Beatles song of the same name and I guess that song is partly my inspiration for this blog.

There are places I'll remember
All my life though some have changed
Some forever not for better
Some have gone and some remain
All these places have their moments
With lovers and friends I still can recall
Some are dead and some are living
In my life I've loved them all.