Saturday, February 2, 2008


I hate tomatoes. It's not something I'm proud of, but there it is. I'm fine with tomatoes in liquid form, such as in sauces or soup. I'm even okay with tomatoes sun-dried. But large chunks of tomatoes are disgusting. One time I was eating sweet and sour pork. The restaurant was semi-dark, so I couldn't see that well. I put what I thought was a pineapple into my mouth only to discover that it was a huge tomato chunk. I nearly barfed and I had to spit it out. My life would be a lot easier if this wasn't the case, but I really have a problem with tomatoes. You can't ask me to like a food that stimulates the gag reflex as soon as I taste it. I won't do it!


Trenda said...

Too weird!! I was just thinking about you today and wondering what you were up to these days! I'm so glad you found my blog! I guess there are benefits to having a name that isn't too common. I read through some of your blog and it looks like you are doing really well! I love your hair! Congratulations on getting married in March! I'll e-mail you my address.

Andrea said...

So funny. You sound like my older sister.

Hilary said...

AJ and I are disappointed...but we still like you!

Dana said...

I remember that night! It was at Eliza's wasn't it! I remember you saying out loud that you just ate a tomatoe and you were all disgusted. I only like the sweet cherry tomatoes. Other tomatoes are gross.

Andrea said...

I feel your pain. The worst tomatoes are pickled. You don't eat pickled tomoatoes, you slurp them down. They taste like pickles, but with the consistency of rotten tomatoes.


Kim said...

You remind me a little of Ryan:). Yesterday we sort of made him eat one pea (we didn't force it in his mouth or anything--just threatened him w/ time out). He put it in his mouth, made the grossest face and then barfed all over himself and the kitchen table. I wonder what would happen if I made you eat a tomato?

Ashlee said...

So... I'll probably be shot for saying this publicly, it's been my darkest secret for years, but that's exactly how I feel about strawberries. That's not the way I want it to be, it's just how it is. The texture makes me want to scream. I like things that are strawberry flavored, but if there are chunks of strawberries in it, you can count me out.

Molly said...

So sad! I love tomatoes! I like them better raw than cooked. Heirloom tomatoes slices with a little bit of salt are delicious. It makes me sad that your taste buds are rejecting them. :(