Friday, September 5, 2008


I'm done with deodorant/anti-perspirant. I haven't worn it in about 3 or 4 weeks. I decided one day that I didn't think I really stunk much and I don't sweat very much. And, I always am more wet when I use anti-perspirant than when I don't. And I'm sick of getting white smudges on my dark shirts when I put them on. So, I decided to go off it and gave Jared strict instructions to inform me if I needed to rethink my strategy. So far, so good. Jared says I don't stink. And I haven't gotten that uncomfortable armpit wetness as often. And my clothes are going to last longer. And, all of those theories about anti-perspirant giving you cancer - I don't have to worry about it! On average, I would say I'm about 8.7% happier each day with no deodorant/anti-perspirant in my life. Obviously the absence of deodorant is not for everyone, but I've had no ill effects from not using it, so I'm just going to soldier on - deodorant/anti-perspirant free!


LJ, DC and ML said...

Oh boy. You and Molly will have fun in that world. I can not join you. I am a girl who "glows" too frequently I fear.

Hilary said...

Well, if you have any surprises, you can try baby powder. I did that once and it wasn't too shabby.

Molly said...

Welcome to my world. You will know if you smell. Every once in a while I do and I quickly fix the problem. But it's rare. I do use deodorant sometimes--like when I go running or if I think I'll be exceptionally hot that day. But sitting in a cubicle doesn't exactly call for it. :)

Kim said...

I've thought about trying this, too. In fact, sometimes I think I smell more when I use deodorant. When I had my surgery I wasn't allowed to use deodorant that day and I wasn't supposed to shower for 2 days afterwards. I was freaked out and thought I'd smell nasty. However, I honestly didn't think I stunk at all. So, maybe now I'll have to try it more regularly to see how it goes. . .

Andrea said...

I must admit this idea has never occurred to me. Very interesting though. Good luck with it.

Hayley said...

i'll real-sneaky like saunter past you on sunday and let you know if your theory is still holding true :)

k8esk8e said...

I happen to agree with the no deodorant way of life. I honestly was just really busy and constantly forgot to put it on for a couple days in a row and then realized it and felt disgusted with myself. I then realized that I really didn't need it, and didn't smell at all. Of course, when going for hour long walks with a shrieking baby the stress starts the sweat, and so the deodorant makes brief appearances on rare occasions, but all in all, a deodorant free life is definitely preferable. Hooray for you!

Jeff and Amy said...

I have always wanted to tear myself away from deodorant, but I am a little fearful of the may not go as smoothly as your experience and that thought worries me just a tad.

Matt said...

Shock and awe.

Bernie said...

I'm afraid I'm too dependent on the stuff to do it, more power to you though!