Thursday, April 8, 2010

Mallard Resort: A Duck Update

A little while ago, I blogged about our new neighbors. I put forth my theory that they had eloped. I think I was right because this is what I saw when I looked outside this morning:

Yep, that's mama and 8 little ducklings.

Obviously, the honeymoon was a success and the ducks feel that our "honeymoon resort" also makes a great "family resort". And word is getting out because the numbers are increasing.

And don't even think these ducks are above a little morning dip in the hot tub.

(In truth, I was a little worried when I saw them heading for the hot tub. I thought maybe it would be too hot and would cook the little ducklings. I guess mama knows best. She pushed them right in and they appear to be fine. Who doesn't need a little hot spring action?)

It's like having Animal Planet right in my backyard. But, I do wonder what all the chlorine is doing to their little systems.


Molly said...

This morning I heard quacking and realized there were ducks in the neighboring complex's pool. Too funny!

mommafriz said...

Cute! Don't you love it!! Oh tomorrow is a big day for you...

Dana said...

I'm very glad that you like ducks Jenni. I don't want no blog on shooting the ducks with your pellat gun.

Sharon said...

I'm not worried about what the chlorine will do to the ducks, I'm worried about what their evacuations will do to the pool. This is pretty sick.