Thursday, November 29, 2007


My mom (Leah) is awesome. There is no denying that she is the best mom ever. My mom has been busy decorating the house for Christmas, trying to get it done before she left yesterday to go to my sister's house in Washington for a couple weeks. I told her that she definitely had to make sure the advent calendars were up before she left. I left before she and my dad were up yesterday and they were long gone for Washington before I got home from work, so I didn't see them. When I walked in the house, though, I saw the candy advent calendar and was glad my mom had remembered to put it up. It has three types of chocolate on it. Milk chocolate for me, white chocolate for my dad, and dark chocolate for my mom. It's very convenient that the candies match our preferences. Each year, my mom rotates them so that our preferred chocolate falls on our turn for the calendar. However, this year I noticed she set the calendar up a little differently.

If you look closely at this picture, you'll notice there is only one kind of candy for the first ten days on the advent calendar. That's because my parents will be gone until the 11th, so my mom only put my preferred candy on those first ten days. This is a small thing and probably wasn't any more work than putting all different candies on the calendar, but when I got home from work and saw that my mom had cared enough and even thought to just put my favorite candies on those days on the calendar, I was touched. And, of course, I was reminded that my mom is the best!

The funny thing about moms is that, yes, they're constantly doing the big stuff for us. You know, the stuff we notice and even, sadly, take for granted - cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc. But, moms are also constantly doing the little stuff. They take care of the little details that we don't even notice or appreciate just because they know it will make us a little happier or our lives a little easier. My mom does it all the time. And while I don't always notice and I don't always appreciate everything, sometimes I do. And when I do, I know that my mom loves me and that she is the best mom ever. And even though I'm not aware of everything my mom does for me, I'm aware that she is doing things for me and I appreciate that.

Basically, my mom rocks! And I hope that, someday, my kids will say the same thing about me.


Molly said...

That is so sweet! I want to be a mom like that.

Ella said...

That was a very sweet tribute to Leah. Leah rocks! But how awesome are advent calendars? I LOVE them!

Andrea said...

That was a very nice post. I hope you (or someone) tells her to read this.

LJ, DC and ML said...

So cute, and seriously Leah is awesome. I was just thinking about her while I was putting up our very own christmas tree decorations tonight! Muchas gracias for the lending of the ornaments last year JJ and Leah! So sweet!

Hilary said...

that is so awesome. by the way, milk chocolate rules.

Anonymous said...

Jenni!!! What's up comp???!!!! So, my cousin is Brandon Walker and he knows your bro and I stumbled on to your blog. How the heck are you? We are expecting our 3rd kid and just moved from Austin to Lehi, Utah this summer....crazy. Never thought I'd live here again but I love it. After the holidays I need to get together with Sis Van Dyke (Melissa) and some others. Let us know if you're ever in town. I'd love to see you. Hanging out this time would be much more fun then being my comp while I had a broken foot (super lame and such a hard part of the mish for me). Anyway, so good to find you and let's keep in touch. My email is and my blog is

Summer (Sis Crosby)

ps - I hardly recognized you with short hair but I totally love it!