A GIANT praying mantis looking at me!
Unfortunately, these pictures don't do it justice. The thing was massive! I actually noticed it first when I was walking up to the door after getting home from the gym. I noticed it out of the corner of my eye as I walked by it and nearly had a heat attack! I quickly rushed into the house to escape it's spiny claws. I grabbed the camera and ran to the window to get a good shot and the thing literally turned its head and looked at me when I took the picture. I texted Mr. Frisby to let him know that there was a gigantic bug outside that was probably capable of eating me. Even when I told him that it was 5-6 inches long (not an exaggeration), he did not seem as concerned for my safety as I thought he should be. He thought it was awesome. I told him it was not. I did an internet search to verify that it was, indeed, a praying mantis and to try to find out if praying mantises of that size were an anomaly and if they were dangerous. I learned that praying mantises are carnivorous and that was enough info for me. The thing stuck around for awhile and was still there was Mr. Frisby came home for lunch. When he actually saw it, he was indeed impressed with it's enormous size. But, still not as concerned with my safety as I thought he should be. He still thought it was awesome and wanted to name it Manny. I said no. Fortunately the thing was gone by the time we finished lunch. I have never seen any sort of praying mantis at my house, giant or otherwise, and I hope I never see one again. That thing was GROSS!
We see those every once in awhile here. A month or two ago one tried coming in my front door when I opened it. I screamed and slammed the door. I felt a bit bad that I may have killed it though because they are quite useful at keeping other insects away. I did not kill it, and it did not come in. So, we were all happy (well, I was anyway).
You are kind of a baby. The other day Sam's friend brought a backpack full of five snakes inside my house. Of course it went right back outside. Sam and his friends catch praying mantises for fun. Cara is kind of afraid of them, but the rest of us take them in stride. They aren't exactly quick movers (unless Sam is trying to catch one).
Mom, when have I ever freaked out about a praying mantis. I barely ever see 'em.
This bug would have made my and my kids' day. We love bugs! Except for annoying silverfish and spiders that make a sudden appearance.
I had a run-in with a praying mantis here in Rexburg once. I was oddly intrigued but definitely kept my distance.
sounds like tat's reaction when i called him hyperventilating that i had just spotted a rat in our garage (don't worry, it was long ago at our old place). he laughed. i sat on my bed until he came home hours later.
i don't deal well with intruders.
glad you survived.
Oh, just had another thought on these. They can fly. Did you know that?
Wow Jenni, where did you grow up? We used to see them all the time when we were kids. They have tiny mouths. Pretty sure it wouldn't have had you for dinner, but maybe some other unsuspecting annoying bugs.
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