Sunday, June 29, 2008

Item of the Week

The big day finally arrived for us last Monday. Rock Band came out for the Wii! We immediately got down to rocking out business when we got home from work on Monday night and had a spectacular time, as I knew we would. Because of the awesomeness of Rock Band, it is this week's item of the week.

We can now rock out together and with friends and good times are had by all. You can choose to play the guitar, bass, drums, or sing and then you're video gaming like you've never video gamed before. If anyone needs to try out this fabulous game, let us know. The Frisbys are always open to band auditions!


Dana said...

When Aaron gets back, we will have to plan a time to come play!

LJ, DC and ML said...

You know you're obsessed when you're blogging about Rock band from out of state. ;) We are equally obsessed. Did you hear the news about Rock band 2?????

Ashlee said...

I heart Rockband!!!

Jenni said...

What news about Rock Band 2? I haven't heard!