Tuesday, March 9, 2010

72 Hour Kit

I know I'm a bit late getting onto this bandwagon, but I've just started to put together my personal 72 hour kit. This has led Mr. Frisby to take stock of his kit which was assembled 4 years ago. With the process of filling mine and refilling his, we've purchased many "snacky" type foods that are good for emergency situations. We've also needed to pick up a few other items to complete our kit of essentials. We just need to get a few more things to make them "emergency ready".

And with everything we've been putting in our kits, I find myself secretly hoping for an opportunity to use it. Maybe I should just be content with the prospect of switching the food out in a year.


Kim said...

You could just rotate your food every month or so:). Your snacks can't be too fresh for an emergency.

Andrea said...

I made some kits when we were in Cedar-sealed in those mylar bags. I need to rotate them. The snacks are probably hard as rocks now.

Tammy said...

I would rather you just be content to switch your food out every year. Although I have mine in the car I sure don't want to use it, so don't secretly hope it upon us please!!!

Molly said...

Daylight savings this Sunday! Change your clocks!

The reason I'm telling you this is that a good rule of thumb is to change your food storage water supply every 6 months, and Daylight Savings is a good time to do it. So you remember each time that comes around.

MomandDad said...

That's a good idea Molly but daylight savings runs from the 2nd Sunday in March until the 1st Sunday in Nov. which is more like 7 1/2 months but that's okay.