Monday, November 8, 2010

Won't You Be My Neighbor and How I Make Brussels Sprouts

Mr. Frisby and I are liking Morgan Hill. It's a nice place to live. The people are very friendly, the commute isn't too bad, and our new ward is great. Lately, while out walking Scout, I've noticed several houses for sale along our walking route. So, who wants to move to Morgan Hill and be our neighbors? It would be great fun. And, we live in a neighborhood that has lots of houses like ours and also houses that are much bigger and nicer than ours. So, there's something for everyone. Who's in?

Okay, some people want to know how I make Brussels Sprouts in an edible manner. First, let me give credit where credit is due. I learned to make Brussels Sprouts from my sister. I would never have come up with this on my own. Okay, here's what you do. Rinse the Brussels Sprouts and then slice off the very end of the stem. Boil them for 8-10 minutes until tender. Take them out of the water and quarter them lengthwise as soon as they are cool enough to touch. Saute them in Olive Oil. When the Brussels Sprouts start to brown, add some pine nuts. Saute for a couple more minutes, then remove from heat and toss with Vegetable Supreme and Parmesan Cheese if you want. They're delicious!


Molly said...

Here's the deal. You find Christian a great job, we'll buy a house in your neighborhood. Deal? Deal. I'm glad we agree. Ha!

PS--What is Vegetable Supreme?

LJ, DC and ML said...

You know I'd love to move to MH. Sadly, its not in the cards quite yet.
Also, can I use frozen brussel sprouts I see at Trader Joe's? And what is vegetable supreme??

Bernie said...

I've used this method for making Brussels Sprouts before and I have to say hands down it is the best I've ever tasted.

Amy said...

Glad you like the new neighborhood. I think we're too settled in Orem to move...

I third the what's vegetable supreme? Like a ranch packet or something? My kids actually like brussel sprouts and eat them steamed w/ a little butter but this sounds like something tasty.