Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Blah, blah, blah

It's been a busy couple of weeks with more busy weeks to come. I have a lot to post about. But, I haven't loaded pictures onto my computer yet, so I'm not ready to post. I haven't even had time to think about an item of the week. So, my update posting will have to wait. In the meantime, I will tell you about how I got the crap scared out of me the other day. I got up earlier than usual to go to the gym because I had to be back so we could get ready and go to Monterey with Jared's parents (again, the updating will have to wait until I load pics). I got all ready to go to the gym and walked out the door. Right as I stepped off the front porch, the sprinklers turned on. The timing of my foot hitting the ground and the sprinklers starting couldn't have been more perfect. Please keep in mind that the sprinklers are not silent. So, as my foot hits the ground, I hear this rather loud noise off to my right and nearly crapped my pants because it scared me so bad. I don't know if I've ever had a more powerful shot of adrenaline to the heart in my life! As I stood frozen to the spot while my brain registered what was going on and my heart tried to calm down, the sprinklers did their thing and I was snapped out of my stupor by an unexpected early morning shower. As the water hit me, my body took over and I sprinted out of the sprinklers to my car. Not exactly the way I expected to start the day, but in a strange, masochistic sort of way, it's kind of fun to get scared that bad!


Sharon said...

And you make fun of Steve for running from a manatee?

Molly said...

that would have scared me soooooo bad. i am so jumpy.

Andrea said...

So glad you didn't crap your pants though. :)

Hayley said...

you're hilarious. just reading that made my heart get a nice shot of adrenaline.